The following list is based on the manuscript catalogue (Handschriftenkatalog = HK) that Hans-Peter Hils has compiled for his book “Meister Johann Liechtenauers Kunst des langen Schwertes”. Listed are German fencing manuals (Fechtbücher) from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. It is complemented by recent insight and additional manuscripts that were unknown to Hils at the time. These don’t carry a number in the column “HK” (Handschriftenkatalog/manuscript catalogue). The sorting follows the depository alphabetically. Locations and library numbers are adjusted as far as they were changed since Hils’ publication. A second column (“Beck”) displays the numbering taken from “Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters, Band 4/2, Lieferung 1/2: 38. Fecht- und Ringbücher”, Verlag C.H. Beck München. Each description of the manuscripts begins with the numeral “38.”; the book is divided in 10 sections, and each section contains the descriptions of the single volumes. The numbering shown here starts after the leading “38.” The column “Time” can only provide a rough reference point about the time of origin since a number of manuscripts were bound together from various individual parts with an inconsitent dating (for instance HK 2, 6, etc.).
HK |
Beck |
Author |
Location |
No. |
Time |
1 | 8.1 | Anton Rast | Augsburg, Stadtarchiv | Schätze 82 Reichsstadt | 1553 |
2 | 9.1 | Anonymous (»Codex Wallerstein«, »Baumanns Fechtbuch«) | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | b/w images | Transcription | Publication I | Publication II |
Cod.I.6.4o.2 | ca. 1470/ middle of 15th cent. |
3 | 8.2 | Anonymous | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images |
Cod.I.6.2o.4 | 1545 |
5 | Jude Lew | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Transcription A | Transcription B |
Cod.I.6.4o.3 | ca. 1450 | |
6 | 1.1 | Sigmund Schninig (= Ringeck) | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription A | Transcription B part 1 | Transcription B part 2 |
Cod.I.6.2o.5 | 1539/ 1552 |
7 | 3.1 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 26) | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images |
Cod.I.6.2o.1 | before 1561 |
8 | 7.3 | Jörg Wilhalm | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription |
Cod.I.6.4o.5 | 1522 |
9 | 7.2 | Jörg Wilhalm | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription |
Cod.I.6.2o.3 | 1522 |
10 | 7.1 | Jörg Wilhalm/ Lienhart Sollinger | Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription |
Cod.I.6.2o.2 | 1523/ 1564 |
11 | 3.2 | Hans Talhoffer | Berlin, Kuperstichkabinett der Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Transcription |
78 A 15 | before 1459 |
12 | 9.3 | Anonymous | Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz Colour images Transcripion 1 | Transcription 2 |
Libr. pict. A 83 | after 1500 |
5.1 | Paulus Kal | Bologna, Universitätsbibliothek Transcription | Edition |
Ms. 1825 | between 1458 and 1467 | |
13 | Albrecht Dürer (copy of 45) | Breslau, Universitätsbibliothek (missing) | Cod. 1246 | ca. 1600-1620 | |
Hans Talhoffer | Coburg, Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg Transcription |
Hz.014. | 18th cent. | ||
15 | 8.3 | Paulus Hector Mair | Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek Colour images C.93 | Partial transcription | Colour images C.94 | Partial transcription |
Mscr. Dresd. C.93/94 | after 1542 |
16 | Sigmund Ringeck | Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek Colour images | Transcriptions A| Publications A B C |
Mscr. Dresd. C 487 | beginning of 16th cent. (?) | |
17 | 9.4 | Ludwig (VI.) von Eyb zum Hartenstein | Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek Transcription |
B 26 | 1500 |
1.2 | Anonymous | Glasgow Museums, R. L. Scott Collection Transcription | Partial transcription (PDF) |
E.1939.65.341 | 1508 | |
4 | 9.5 | Gregor Erhart | Glasgow Museums, R. L. Scott Collection (formerly Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek) | E.1939.65.354 (formerly Cod.I.6.4o.4) | 1533 |
18 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 20 & 35) | Göttingen, Niedersächische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek | Philos. 61 | late 17th cent. | |
9.6 | Fabian von Auerswald | Göttingen, Niedersächische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Colour images |
2o Cod. Ms. philos. 62 | 2nd half 16th cent. | |
19 | 5.2 | Paulus Kal (copy of 32) | Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek Schloß Friedenstein Edition |
Ms. Chart. B1021 | 1542 |
20 | 3.3 | Hans Talhoffer | Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek Schloß Friedenstein PDF| Publication |Transcription |
Ms. Chart. A558 | 1443/ 1448 |
22 | 9.7 | Hans Czynner | Graz, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images | Publication |
Ms. 963 | 1538 |
24 | Johannes Lecküchner | Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek Colour images |
Cod. Pal. Germ. 430 | 1478 | |
H. Beringer | Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek | MS G.B.f.18.a | 1418 – 1428 | ||
Hans Talhoffer (copy of 20 & 35) | Kassel, Landesbibliothek Colour images |
2° Ms. iurid. 29 | 17th century? | ||
Hans Wilhelm Schöffer von Dietz | Kassel, Landesbibliothek Colour images Part 1 | Part 2 |
4° Ms. Math. 038 | 1569 | ||
Anonymous | Kassel, Landesbibliothek Colour images |
2o Ms. Math. 7 | before 1686 | ||
25 | Anonymous | Köln, Historisches Archiv b/w images | Transcriptions A (PDF) B | Publication A B |
Best. 7020 (formerly W* 150) | ca. 1500 | |
26 | 3.6 | Hans Talhoffer | Königseggwald, Gräfliches Schloß Transcription | Publication |
Hs. XIX, 17-3 | middle of 15th cent. |
27 | 3.4 | Hans Talhoffer | Kopenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek Colour images | Commented transcription |
Thott 290 2o | 1459 |
28 | 2.2 | Anonymous (»Gladiatoria«) | Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellonska Colour images | b/w images | Transcription | Publication | Facsimile |
Ms. Germ. Quart. 16 | before 1450 |
29 | 1.3 4.1 |
Anonymous (»Goliath«) | Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellonska Colour images | Transcription |
Ms. Germ. Quart. 2020 | 1510-1520 |
30 | 9.8 | Anonymous | Leeds, Royal Armouries Museum Colour images | Transcription + English translation | Publication |
I.33 (British Museum No. 14 E iii, No. 20 D. vi.) | early 14th cent. |
Joachim Meyer | Lund, Universitetsbibliotek PDF colour |
Gym, Meyer [msc. A.4:0 2] | ca. 1560 | ||
31 | Hugo Wittenwiler | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Images b/w | Transcription |
Cgm 558 | ca. 1470 | |
32 | 5.3 | Paulus Kal | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription + German translation | Publication | Edition |
Cgm 1507 | ca. 1460 |
33 | 6.1 | Johannes Lecküchner | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription | Partial Translation |
Cgm 582 | 1482 |
34 | Paulus Hector Mair | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Colour images part I, part II |
Cod. icon. 393 | ca. 1542 | |
35 | 3.6 | Hans Talhoffer | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Colour images | Transcription + Engl. translation | Publications A B C D E |
Cod. icon 394a | 1467 |
36 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 35) | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Cod. icon 394 | 1820 | |
37 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 20) | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek | Cod. icon 395 | ca. 1820 | |
38 | 7.4 | Jörg Wilhalm | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Colour images | Partial transcription |
Cgm 3711 | 1522/23 |
39 | 7.5 | Jörg Wilhalm | München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek b/w images |
Cgm 3712 | 1556 |
21/ 23 |
2.1 | Anonymous (»Gladiatoria«) | New Haven, Connecticut, Yale Center for British Art (formerly Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek Schloß Friedenstein; 1958, 1963 and 1964 sold at auction as single leaves (Hs. ‘T’) in Heidelberg) Colour images | Transcription |
MS U860.F46 1450 (formerly Ms. membr. II 109) | ca. 1450 |
Hans Talhoffer (copy of 20) | New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art | 26.236 | 17th cent. | ||
40 | 1.6 | Hans Entner | Nürnberg (missing) | Fragment | early 16th cent. |
41 | 1.4 | Anonymous | Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum Transcription A | Transcription B | Transcription + Engl. translation (PDF) |
Cod. ms. 3227a | 1389 |
14 | 2.3 6.2 |
Anonymous | Paris, Musée National du Moyen Age (ehem. Donaueschingen, Fürstenbergische Hofbibliothek) | CL23842 (formerly Cod. 862) |
ca. 1500 |
42 | 9.9 | Anonymous/Peter von Danzig | Rom, Biblioteca dell’Academia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana Transcription + German translation | Transcription B | Publication |
44 A 8 (Cod. 1449) | 1452 |
Joachim Meyer | Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek | Mss. var. 82 | |||
9.10 | Anonymous (»Hugold Behr’s Fechtbuch«) | Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek | Mss. var. 83 | ||
43 | Hans von Speyer | Salzburg, Universitätsbibliothek Transcription | Partial transcription 1 | Partial transcription 2 |
M.I.29 | 1491 | |
3.7 | Anonymous (»Solothurner Fechtbuch«) | Zentralbibliothek Solothurn b/w images | Edition |
S554 | 15th cent. | |
9.2 | Anonymous | Towson, Maryland, Amberger Collection Transcription |
ca. 1540 | ||
44 | Hans Folz | Weimar, Nationale Forschungs- und Gedenkstätten der klassischen Deutschen Literatur in Weimar – Zentralbibliothek der deutschen Klassik Transcription |
Q 566 | ca. 1480 | |
45 | 9.11 | Albrecht Dürer | Wien, Albertina (Graphische Sammulung) b/w images (PDF) | Transcription |
Hs. 26-232 | 1512 |
46 | 2.4 | Anonymous (»Gladiatoria«) | Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Transcription |
KK 5013 (P 5013) | 1430 |
47 | 1.5 4.2 6.3 |
Peter Falkner | Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum Transcription + German translation | Publication |
KK 5012 (P 5012) | late 15th cent. |
48 | 5.4 | Paulus Kal | Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum (incomplete copy of 32) Edition |
KK 5126 (P 5026) | late 15th cent. |
49 | 3.8 | Hans Talhoffer (»Ambraser Codex«) | Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum (incomplete copy or workshop copy of 26) Publication |
KK 5342 (Cod. Nr. 55 Ambras) | middle of 15th cent. |
9.12 | Konrad Kyeser, Fiore dei Liberi | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Cod. 5278 | 1420-30, 2nd part older | |
50 | 2.5 | Anonymous | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Cod. Vindob. B 11093 | 15th cent. |
51 | 8.4 | Paulus Hector Mair | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek b/w images | Partial transcription 1 | Partial transcription 2 (PDF) | Partial transcription 3 |
Cod. Vindob. 10825/6 | after 1542 |
52 | 3.9 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 35) | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Cod Vindob. Ser. Nov. 2978 | 16th cent. |
Anonymous | Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek | Cod. 10799 | 1623 | ||
53 | 2.6 | Anonymous | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August-Bibliothek Colour images | Transcription |
Cod Guelf. 78.2 Aug. 2o | 15th cent. |
54 | 9.13 | Anonymous | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August-Bibliothek Colour images |
Cod Guelf. 83.4 Aug. 8o (Hils: Cod Guelf. 83.4 Aug. 4o) | 1591 |
55 | Hans Talhoffer (copy of 18) | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August-Bibliothek Colour images | Transcription |
Cod. Guelf. 125.16 Extrav. | late 17th cent. | |
Anonymous | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August-Bibliothek Transcription |
Cod. Guelf. 1074 Novi | 16th cent. | ||
Lienhart Sollinger | Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August-Bibliothek Colour images |
Cod. Guelf. 38.21 Aug. 2° | 16th cent. |