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Training times can be found here.

Hammaborgers fence primarily with long sword, Langes Messer and sword and buckler.
The club has a very pragmatic way of handling things. This means, free fight and sparring play an important role in our training sessions. We use steel simulators in combination with appropriate protective equipment.

The foundation of our training is fencing manuals from the late middle ages and renaissance. Under the guidance of our instructors, techniques are worked out and tested for efficiency in training.

It has proven quite helpful to look beyond one’s own nose and have a look at the basics of other martial arts. Improving general physical fitness and mobility is as well a focus for our fencers, as these are prerequisites for a successful fight.

At Hammaborg, we have many different training groups, where the instructors are free to focus on different aspects of historical fencing. The weapons of different ages are represented in the different trainings. Have a look at our training descriptions and training times for more detailed information.

In regular intervals, we conduct workshops or Open Halls, to expand our knowledge of historical fencing. There, you can test out a plethora of different weapons mentioned in fencing manuals: we find descriptions on how to handle spears, daggers and staff weapons. Exotic weapons like scythes and sickles are described as well and have been worked with in our club. If no armament is available, wrestling is always an option.

Furthermore, we seek the opportunity to handle sharps in cutting tests, to get to a better understanding of blade control and effects. Visits to friendly clubs for workshops and training weekends are an integral part of the club as well.

What we are not doing
Hammaborg promotes and practices historical fencing. We are not doing stage combat, Live action role play (LARP), Buhurt or Olymoic sports fencing in our training.

(Of course, members are free to pursue and enjoy these activities on their own.)

Our training schedule can be found here.

Apart from Thursday, all training slots can be visited by all members or guests. Depending on the training, giving the instructor a note beforehand is advised, so they can inform you about specifics.

You can use the contact form, the mail or facebook to give them a heads up.

Our training location is at Boschstrasse 15A in Hamburg.

The new training hall is on the second floor.

Nearby are the S-Bahn stations Diebsteich (1400m) and Bahrenfeld (1500m). The bus stop Bornkampsweg is roughly 400m from the hall.

If you are interested in training participation and need further information, feel free to contact us at any time.


Anfahrt Hammaborg Halle