Registration for the Torneo di Spada Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastE-Mail Adress *Club *Do you wish to participate in the tournamentBeginnersWomenOpenAfter your registration we will send you a request for payment (25 €). Cancellation with full refund is possible until August 31st.I would like to support you …as a helperas a judgeJudge receive an expense allowance.Dinner on Saturday *I would like to come!No, thank you.On Saturday evening we are making a reservation for 7pm at the Old MacDonald – American Diner & Sportsbar (Stellinger Weg 33, 20255 Hamburg) for self-paying guests. Would you like us to reserve a seat for you? Privacy Policy *I hereby consent to the processing of the data I have provided in accordance with the privacy policy.Is there anything else you would like to tell us?Absenden